Thursday, October 30, 2008

RP Packs Sellers


1. Peon25
Currently selling for 20 million or 1000 points

2. DaddyFatSacs
Currently selling for 20 million

3. Shug Knight
Currently for 900 points

4. lilsilent1st
Currently selling for 18 million

5. jBrizzle
Currently Selling for 1000 points

#prices may subject to change

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is Peon25 ~

Current price is 1000 points or $20mil - willing to listen to other ideas as well.

I had originally done this when I was in need of cash. But now that I have the weapons I want and upgraded my cell a few times, I'm in less need of money. The points price is the same, but the cash price has gone up (also since points have gone up in price, trying to keep the appropriate ratio).